The ANDERSON family – Pictorial and Information :

George Arthur ANDERSON

Born :     26 September 1915
Died:      31st August 1994


Born :     ?
Died:      March 1999

30 anderson 103 archie before his wedding
Archie ANDERSON before his wedding (#30)
29 anderson 102 rita culloton on her engagement
Rita CULLOTON on her engagement (#29)

ANDERSON. Margaret Ann

Archie and Rita’s first daughter Margaret Ann
was born in 1942

ANDERSON. Pamela May

Archie and Rita’s second daughter,
Pamela May ANDERSON was born in 1947.

ANDERSON. Lorraine Kay

Archie and Rita’s third daughter,
Lorraine Kay, was born in 1952.
Margaret Ann ANDERSON (#32)
Margaret & Pamela ANDERSON (#66)
Lorraine met Kim RICHES in 1968 at the Walliston Pony Club – both were at the ender age of 15.
They married four years later in 1972 
Lorraine and Kim had three children:
Andrea Louise :  born – 2nd June 1979
Matthew Steven:  born – 30 December 1980
David William:  born – 8th November 1985

The ANDERSON’s Family Collection 

Margaret ANDERSON at Smailes' Mill (#35)
Margaret ANDERSON (#51)
Margaret ANDERSON (#65)
Margaret ANDERSON and her pet dog (#67)
Emily (Grandmother) and Margaret ANDERSON (#56)
Margaret & Pamela ANDERSON (#73)
Archie and Pamela ANDEFRSON (#34)
Margaret, Emily(Grandmother) and Pamela ANDERSON (#64)
Margaret ANDERSON, Nobby(the horse) and Tiny INCE (#52)
Pamela & Margaret ANDERSON at CARMEL (#57)
Nina GIBBS and Margaret ANDERSON and Cat (#72)

Emily ANDERSON (Matriarch)

Emily ANDERSON (#101)
Emily ANDERSON - celebrating her 70th birthday with her Grandchildren, Margaret, Lorraine & Pamela (#102)

The ANDERSON’s Family Holidays  … and Friends

Archie and Rita and their children, spent many happy times holidaying
at Rockingham. They were joined by the Gibbs’ and Browns’ from Smailes’ Mill.
Their holiday ‘camp’ contained everything necessary and even the old Metters stove was transported down there for cooking.
The old Metters stove at their Rockingham Holidays (#70)
Margaret & Pamela ANDERSON at Rockingham (#68)
Frank BROWN, Fay GIBBS, Blue CURTIS & Lionel BROWN at Rockingham (#71)
Lionel BROWN at the Ginger Beer House at ROCKINGHAM (#69)
Pamela and Margaret ANDERSON (#78)
Nina GIBBS and Pamela ANDERSON at CARMEL (#79)
Alan CULLOTON, Margaret and Pamela ANDERSON (#81)
Pamela, Rita, Lorraine and Margareet ANDERSON (#80)
Back Row: Lorraine, Rita, Emily ANDRERSON Front Row: Judy, Pamela, Margaret and Marlene ANDERSON, SANDS children from BASSENDEAN - 27 June 1953 (#82)
Rita ANDERSON (#83)
Margaret and Pamela ANDERSON and the Diamond 'T' truck (#77)

Additional Pictorial – Events & Facts

Rita ANDERSON and Gwen ? (#84)
Margaret, Pamela and Lorraine ANDERSON (#85)
Rita ANDERSON's Piano at CARMEL (#86)
Lorraine ANDERSON and Pina on top of the ABC Tower at BICKLEY (#87)
The erection of the ABC Channel 2 television transmitting tower at Bickley in 1959 by EPT Construction who employed Archie Anderson with this project.
Pamela ANDERSON's class at St Brigid's College 1960 - 1st Year High School (#89)
Lorraine ANDERSON and her Doll (#90)
Margaret, Pamela & Lorraine ANDERSON (#91)
Ross HOLDMAN and Margaret ANDERSON (#92)
Ross HOLDMAN & Lorraine ANDERSON (#93)
He was a strong supporter of the Pickering
Brook Sports Club and regularly pushed the
rules a bit, particularly by taking his dog
into the bar with him.
Ron GILCRIST, Bob LA BIANCA, Peter HITCHINS, Ernie MASON, Archie ANDERSON & Jack O'MEAGHER - in vistors bar 1960's (#96)

Documents – of interest

Birth Certificate - John Joseph BROWN (#2)
Birth Certificated- - Emily Clara DART (#3)
Greeting Card - from Emily BROWN to Joe BROWN(her brother) (#7)
Greeting Card - from George ANDERSON to Emily BROWN (#8)
Greeting Card- from Emily BROWN to George ANDERSON (#9)
Greeting Card - from Emily BROWN to George ANDERSON (#11)
Greeting Card - from Emily BROWN to George ANDERSON (#13)
Green Tomato Pickle - Clair & Emily BROWN's secret family receipe (#15)
Joseph BROWN's Home Brew Recipe ... NOTE last line (#25)

Hand written docket from Hewison’s Store at Barton’s Mill – Store account of George ANDERSON (#27)

West Australian Timber Industry Industrial Union of Wrokers Members Ticket - Archie ANDERSON (#36)
West Australian Timber Industry Industrial Union of Wrokers Members Ticket - Archie ANDERSON (#37)
Drivers Licence - Archie ANDERSON (#38)
Drivers Licence - Archie ANDERSON (#39)

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ANDERSON. Arthur George (Archie)