Registered Sites
These sites are a combination of those listed with:
The Heritage Council of Western Australia, The City of Kalamunda, The Pickering Brook Heritage Group for protection.
They all are significant to the history of Pickering Brook.
- Location: 672 Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- Not listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Theme: Industrial Manufacturing
- Construction: 1958 as a Manufacturing Winery
- Present Use: Winery
- Location: Ashendon Road PICKERING BROOK
- Not listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historical Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Transport and Communications
- Construction: 1920
- Present Use: Roadway
Photograph - not available
BARTON'S MILL - Timber Mill
- Location: Barton's Mill Pickering Brook
- (3580) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: High level of protection.
- Historic Theme: Timber Industry
- Construction: 1902 as a Timber Mill by Alexander BARTON
- Present Use: Park Reserve/Crown Vacant Land
Alexander Barton started a timber mill in 1902 at Carilla, 2 miles from Pickering Brook. The timber was quickly stripped from this site and the mill was relocated to No. 4 mill. This was closed on Barton's death in 1908 and moved by the new owners, Millars, to its final location. The mill was burnt out and rebuilt in 1924 and continued to operate until 1937 when Millars closed the business
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page401 (Place #139)
See this Municipal Inventory for a MAP of the Barton's Mill Settlement Site
- Location: Barton's Mill Pickering Brook
- (3580) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: High level of protection.
- Historic Theme: Timber Industry/ Law & Order
- Construction: 1902 as a Timber Mill by Alexander BARTON
- Present Use: Park Reserve/Crown Vacant Land
Alexander Barton started a timber mill in 1902 at Carilla, 2 miles from Pickering Brook. The timber was quickly stripped from this site and the mill was relocated to No. 4 mill. This was closed on Barton's death in 1908 and moved by the new owners, Millars, to its final location. The mill was burnt out and rebuilt in 1924 and continued to operate until 1937 when Millars closed the business
In 1942, the old Barton's Mill Timber Mill site, which was occupied by the military during World War II, was used by the State Government to house prisoners from Fremantle Prison. Additional buildings and security measures were added to the site to enable minimum security prisoners to be housed there.
The premises were used for minimum security prisoners until 1989.
The site was included on the State Register of Heritage Places in 1999.
The prison was comprised of compound, workshops, administration and visitor facilities and a range of staff houses located on the site of a former Barton's Mill timber mill constructed in 1902 (demolished).
The prison compound within the former security fencing was a fairly loose arrangement of timber and brick buildings including residential buildings (cell huts), recreational structures and workshops, visitor and administration facilities Staff housing was located to the west outside the prison compound and on the northern side of the entry road into the prison. Orchards were located between the prison and the staff housing. Water dams and a sewerage treatment plant were located south of the prison compound in the natural bush.
Operated from 1942 to 1986. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page401 (Place #139)
See this Municipal Inventory for a MAP of the Prison Site
- Location: Repatriation Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10528) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Retain & Conserve (if possible)
- Historic Theme: Technological Change
- Construction: 1950 by A Giumelli (on Lot 7)
- Present Use: Orchard Packing Shed & Cool Store
- Owned By: O'MEAGHER. Graham & Lyn
This storage shed was built in 1950 by Achille (Alex) Giumelli (1920-1970). Alex Giumelli, as he was known in Australia, migrated from Italy in 1937 to work with his uncle Dom Marchetti. He settled in quickly to his new home and worked hard to establish a business and a home for his family.
The cold store premises were built to facilitate the export business that Alex established. It was the first fruit export business in the Pickering Brook district and local produce was sent to Singapore, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. The business expanded and led to Alex selling the premises in 1954 in order to build a larger premises in Carmel under the name A. Giumelli and Sons. The name 'Blue Moon' was not applied to the new business operations. The building continued to be used for cold storage by local producers and is still used today [2014] for that function. The name Blue Moon is still visible on the main entrance to the building. When built the method for cooling produce was understood to be ammonia gas as the coolant medium. It has not been established if this method or any others are present in the premises. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 455 (Place#160)
- Location: Near McCorkill Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10508) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Civic Activities
- Construction: 1939 by Charlie Della Franc
- Present Use: Industrial Manufacturing
This site is the location of a bocce pitch established by Italian migrants led by Charlie Della Franca and others in the Pickering Brook community.
It was a popular site for socialising amongst the men and was located some distance from the houses to allow free expression during the games. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 360 (Place#122)
- Location: Canning Mills Road CANNING MILLS
- (10360) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Timber Industry
- Construction: Commenced operations in 1889
- Present Use: Other
The Canning Mills were established in 1889 by the Canning Jarrah Timber Company and the first manager was Lionel White.
The mill and settlement was one of the primary reasons for the construction of the Upper darling Range railway (the Zig Zag line) which was completed in 1891. Within two years, Canning Mills grew into a large settlement complete with inn, two churches, resident doctor, hospital, post office, general store and a school.
The Company employed 150 men and 40 children attended the school.
In 1901, the ownership of the Mill transferred to Millars Timber and Trading Company.
The mills were closed in 1922 due to the decline in the industry but the settlement remained until the mid-20th century probably due to its location on Canning Road. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 95 (Place#18)
- Location: Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Transport
- Construction: ?
- Present Use: Unoccupied Building (Owned by M BEARD)
The Carilla Bus Service operated from Carilla through Pickering Brook,
Carmel, Bickley, Lesmurdie Hill and Welshpool Road to Perth.
The route wound its way through the Darling Range to the south of Kalamunda passing through bush land and orchards and traversing
some of the most scenic and hilly country in the environs of Perth.
The depot operated during the 1940s until the 1970s.
Restoration: Street Frontage last restored to original condition (2010) - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 411 (Place#143)
- Location:Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK (Opposite School)
- Listed by Pickering Brook History Group
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Family
- Construction:
- Present Use: Vacant Land
- No Information - currently available
- Location: Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10505) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Civic Activities
Construction: 1924 by the Local Community
Demolition: 1985 - Present Use: The Pickering Brook Heritage Group
Signage at the front of the site notes that the park was designated for community purposes as a hall.
In 1994, local community members form the Pickering Brook Heritage Group with the purpose of acting as a focus for the long term preservation of the history of the district.
The group met in the primary school but were keen to find an appropriate transportable timber building to be erected on this site.
With the support of the City of Kalamunda, the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Conservation and Land Management, the Barton's Mill Prison Chapel, which had originally been the solitary confinement block museum, was relocated to the site in 2008. The building now houses a museum. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 32(Figure 17) and Page 415 (Place#145) Pickering Brook Heritage Park
- Location: Carinyah Road CARINYA - Korung National Park
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Forestry Industry
- Construction: Date Unknown(unable to find recorded date)
- Present Use: National Park
The Carinyah settlement in not an open site with no discernible signs of previous settlement.
Then name 'Carinyah' is believed to originate with a Noongah word for
'Happy Home'.
The place has historic value for its association with the small timber settlements which were established quickly to process the timber taken
from the adjacent forests.
The settlement operated during the 1930s to the 1970s and had facilities including a school, hall and tennis courts.
The Carinyah settlement was one of the dozens of spot mills and smaller cutters operating in the area between Canning Mill and Barton's Mill in Pickering Brook. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review
(July 1997) - Page 129 (Place#32)
(Information from the Municipal Inventory July 1997)
- Location: Canning Mills Road CANNING MILLS
- Listed on Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Transport/Communication - Road
- Construction: 1890's
- Present Use: Transport/Communication - Road
Stone cobbled road extending along the edge of Canning Mill Road for approximately 300m. Formal edge with random rubble as the roadway surface. In good condition, compacted but the material is clearly visible.
Little information has been found relating to the original of this road. It is assumed that it was constructed in the 1890s to serve the growing industry and community at Canning Mills.
The place has aesthetic value as an excellent example of road making techniques in the late 19th century. Its simple robust form has survived with little intervention. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review
(July 1997) - Page 129 (Place#15)
- Location: 12 Forrest Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10405) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant - Photo record to be kept
- Historic Theme: Outside Influences - refugees
- Present Use: Unknown
- Subject: Home of Jack & Dora POLESSE 1920-1940
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 186 (Place#54)
- Location: ??
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Signicicant
- Historic Theme: Timber Industry
- Present Use: Crown Reserve
- This tree was ringbarked in the 1930's but continued to grow. It's girth is 30ft and the first branch forked at 40-45ft from the ground. Estimated 20 to 25 loads It's massive height can be estimated by comparing it with surrounding trees of normal size Unfortunately recent forest fires have now killed this tree but it still stands proud although somewhat burnt and blackened
- Location: (Lot 8) 550 Canning Road CARMEL
- (10372) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
Construction: 1893, 1894, 1895 on Lot 8
GIBBS Daisy : Died 30th June 1893 aged 2 days
GIBBS May : Died 7th April 1894 aged 2 hours
GIBBS Amelia : Died 10th April 1895 aged 1 day - Historic Theme: Outside Influences
- Present Use: Carmel Rose Nursery
- These three were children of Annie (nee BURTON) and Arthur Lacey GIBBS The location of the graves was marked for many years by two large trees on a slope near the former homestead. These trees have been removed but the site is still known by local residents although there is now no evidence of the graves.
HAWKINS - Family Home
- Location: 99 Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed by the Pickering Brook Heritage Group
- Historic Site: Significant
- Construction: 1913 - Timber face-cut slab construction (by Harry HAWKINS)
- Present Use: unknown
HOLROYD - Family Home
- Location: 45 Holroyd Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Site: Significant (Retain & Conserve - if possible)
- Historic Theme: Domestic Activities
- Construction: 1922 (on Lot 10)
- Present Use: Private Residence
Brothers George and Ernest Holroyd took up land in Pickering Brook under the Returned Soldiers Settlement Scheme.
When the property was sold it was on the condition that these two brothers could stay as long as they wished at the house.
The rhododendron tree planted there was believed to have been planted next to the house shortly after it was built
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 419 (Place#147)
- Location: Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed by the Pickering Brook Heritage Group
- Historical Site: Significant
- Historic Theme: Domestic
- Construction: Planted in c1890 by Tommy ROADS
- Present Use: Parkland
A healthy and well maintained example of the species 'argutus unedo' of approximately 105 years of age.
About 1927, Tommy and Mabel Roads with heir seven children, moved to a small wooden cottage on Pickering Brook Road adjacent to the original Pickering Brook Store and across the road from the Pickering Brook Station.
It was one of four or five cottages that ran from the shop east to what is now Weston Road
The Roads family cottage site can be found by a huge 'Irish Strawberry Tree' planted by Tommy Roads in about 1890. This date suggests the family were living in the area prior to moving to the cottage adjacent to the tree. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 404 (Place#140)
- Location: 265 Pickering Brook Road
- (10506) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory 21st July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant (photo record to be kept)
- Historic Theme: Telecommunications
- Construction: (unknown date) Built by Ted Davey on Lot 3
- Present Use: Demolished - now Vacant Land)
This former residence was the location of the telephone exchange.
The first manual Telephone Exchange was set up in this residence, the home of Ted Davey. It was in the front room which was also contained the local School Tuckshop.
The place has historic value for its association with the provision of telephone services in the small settlement at Pickering Brook. -
Click - to follow 'link' to Historical Document 10506
(Heritage Council WA)
- Location: 50 Masonmill Road CARMEL
- (10487) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historic Theme: Forestry Timber Mill
- Construction: Built in 1864 by Benjamin MASON on Lot 918
- Present Use: Vacant Crown Land (Unused)
Physical Description:
An axle at the Rose Gardens on Masonmill Road is on display together with an interpretation panel are the only remnants of the Mill, there are no physical remains. The site of the former mill is regenerated forest and is thestart of the Mason Bird Walk trail near the junction of Masonmill Road and the access road to the VictoriaThe only rem - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 357 (Place#121)
- Location: Hardinge Road CANNING MILLS
Listed as permanent by the National Trust 12th June 1989
(2662) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory Review May 2019 - Historical Site: Significant
- Historic Theme: Transport & Communications
- Construction: Built in 1870 by MASON & BIRD
- Present Use: Reserve/Vacant Crown Land (Unused)
Physical Description:
Bituminised track through native bushland joining Masonmill Road and the Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp following the route of the former Mason and Bird tramway. On the trail is a bridge constructed of rough-hewn timber. The bridge is a solid framework including four sets of braced legs/columns standing in the river with the timber deck supported on the frame. The timber deck includes timber rails. Extends across the stream with timber boards and rails remaining - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 234 (Place #71)
MARCHETTI - Family Home
- Location: 25 Repatriation Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed (Summary Only) on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant (photo record to be kept)
- Historic Theme: Immigration/ Refugee
- Construction: 1926 - Built by Dom MARCHETTI on Lot 62
- Present Use: Residence
- Location: 1050 Canning Mills Road CANNING MILLS
- (10361) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant (photo record to be kept)
- Historic Theme: Monument/Cemetery
- Construction: 1903 (State Rsve F22) - by the McCASKILL Family
- Present Use: Monument/Cemetery
Grave Location & Description:
Located within dense bushland off Canning Mill Road. The headstone is encircled by a timber picket fence which is further enclosed by a bush timber fence. A timber post and rail fence has been erected around the grave in an attempt to stop further disturbance of the site.
The son of Emma (nee Austead) and Roderick McCaskill was born and died 26th August 1903. He was buried in this remote location in bush off Canning Mills Road Karragullen. Information from the Pickering Brook Heritage Group stated that death occurred during labour, owing to the delay in gaining medical assistance. Roderick and Emma McCaskill had travelled to Western Australia from Queensland with their boy Roderick born in 1896. The couple had lost their one year old daughter Janette Emma in 1902. Roderick found work as labourer in the district, probably in the timber industry. The death of this boy during labour was not uncommon in remote settlements. The following year the McCaskill's
had another daughter, Mary Jane and the family remained in the Pickering Brook community. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 93(Place #17)
- Location: Canning Road CANNING MILLS
- (10376) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory Review May 2019
- Historical Site: The structure has historic value for its association with the provision of fresh water to the Perth metropolitan area and the political, economic and technical problems this ambition faced.
- Historic Theme: Governmental Reservoir or Dam
- Construction: The place appears to comprise a small dam area off Canning Road and a collecting channel with earthen, rock and concrete walls approximately 1 metre deep running from Munday’s Brook to the Victoria Reservoir (fmr) constructed in 1897 (This information obtained from the MI data sheet)
- Present Use: Governmental Reservoir or Dam
- This diversion drain was built in 1897 as a response to the pollution of the Victoria Reservoir by the typhoid bacillus. Claims about the quality of the water from the Victoria Reservoir had been ongoing since the completion of the dam in 1891. The primary source of the contamination was found to be the camp at Canning Mills, which was owned by Edward Keane, also the Chairman of the Water Board. This conflict of interest was one of the reasons a resolution took a long time to be implemented. As stated in the local press, the Water Board were satisfied 'that the there was no contaminations, the sanitary condition of the mills being carefully watched'. However it was deemed advisable to divert the brook away from the Victoria Reservoir (fmr), at an expense of £4,000 for the Board. It is not known how long this drain functioned however ongoing problems with the Perth water supply were not fully resolved until the 1920s with the completion of the Churchman Brook Dam and the Wungong Dam. Remnants of the diversion drain have remained in situ although portions have been removed.
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 98(Place #19)
NEAVE - Family Home
- Location: 51 Woodbine Road PICKERING BROOK
- No Longer Included - per Municipal Inventory Review May 2020
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Demographic Settlement
- Construction: Built in 1920 on Lot 846
- Present Use: Residence
- Location: Hewison Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10443) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory July 1997
Historical Site:
The place has aesthetic significance as a landmark tree in the bushland setting of the golf course. It also has historic significance for its association with the establishment and early days of the sporting groups in Pickering Brook and social value for its association with many sporting events that have helped foster a strong community in Pickering Brook. - Historic Theme: Social & Civic Activities - Sport
- Construction: Site of the Clubrooms Pickering Brook Sports on the edge of No.2 fairway
- Present Use: Golf Course
- Prior to the construction of the original sports club on this reserve, the cricket and soccer players would meet under the tree and enjoy an ale or two. After the construction of the Pickering Brook Sports Club, the oval was used for sports and gymkhanas and the bar was set up under this same tree. A plaque on a rock was unveiled at the site in 1989 and commemorates the founding of the Pickering Brook Sports Club and recognition of the role of the tree in the establishment of the sports club. The plaque/signage is situated underneath the canopy of the gum tree. The tree itself is a mature gum, standing taller than many of the surrounding plantings. The place has aesthetic significance as a landmark tree in the bushland setting of the golf course.
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 261 (Place #83)
- Location: 14 Merrivale Road PICKERING BROOK (Rsve 26123)
- (10488) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory 21st July 1997
- Historical Site: Retain and Conserve (if at all possible)
- Historic Theme: Social & Civic Activities - Religion
- Construction: 1955 by Architect/Builder Stan COSTELLO
- Present Use:: Religious Church & Residence
- The Catholic community in Pickering Brook and surrounding areas had grown since the 1900s when the region was settled. With the influx of Italian migrants in the 1930s and particularly following World War II the need for a Catholic Church in the district was pressing. Prior to the construction of a dedicated Catholic Church, mass was held in the town hall. In 1955, a small number of Ursuline Nuns left China and came to St. Brigid's convent in Lesmurdie. In order to serve the Pickering Brook community it was decided to build a small convent for the nuns and a dual purpose church and school, which was completed in 1955.
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 363 (Place #123)
OWEN - Family Home
- Location: Rosedale, Shinglewood Flat 700 Canning Road CARMEL
- (10373) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Rural Industry & Market Gardening
Construction: Established 1890 (Builder - Ray OWEN)
The house facing Caning Road is not the original cottage constructed in c.1890. The current house was constructed in the 1950s - Present Use: Private Residence & Orchard
- see Municipal Inventory July 1997 for 'ALL' information
- Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory Review (July 1997) - Page 123 (Place #30)
- Location: 5 Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10504) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Commercial Retail Store
- Construction: 1900 on lot 537
- Present Use: Vacant (Crown Land)
- This site marked with a plaque is the location of the store and post office built c1900 to provide for the timber, railway and bush workers. The managers of the store included the Hewisons family for over 44 years, W. Bendall and G. Spriggs. A feature of the service was the delivery of goods to the homes in the district. The store was demolished in 1977.
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 409 (Place #142)
Location: Corner Caning Road & Pickering Brook Road
PICKERING BROOK - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Transport & Communications - Rail Transport
- Construction: ?? - Opened 1st July 1903
- Present Use: Vacant (Crown Land)
see Municipal Inventory 1997 for 'ALL' information
The station opened on 1 July 1903 as a passenger train service which travelled onto Canning Mills. Known as Pickering and later as Pickering Junction under private operation, this station was renamed Pickering Brook Junction when the Government commenced operations in 1903, and subsequently "Junction" was deleted from the name. Station buildings fronted on to a low level platform, public sidings and goods handling facilities were provided. The junction with the spur line to Barton’s Mill, was combined in a triangular lay-out, which provided turning facilities for locomotives. Spur lines from the Pickering Brook Junction ran to Barton's Mill and other smaller spot mills in the forest. The lines were built by ‘Millars’ who established the mill at its location in Pickering Brook townsite. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 126 (Place #31)
- Location: 34 Carinyah Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10377) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Forestry Timber Mill
- Construction: 1962 (by Tony BRESCASIN)
- Present Use: Forestry Timber Mill
- This mill was established on the site in 1962 by Tony Brescasin who relocated the operation from the former mill site at 216 Canning Road, Kalamunda. The mill provided work opportunities for many Italian migrants and continues to operate today.
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 132 (Place #33)
- Location: Holroyd Road Pickering Brook
- (10448 - part of) Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant
- Historic Theme: Domestic
- Construction: The rhododendron tree was believed to have been planted next to the HOLROYD house shortly after it was built in 1922. The tree has aesthetic value as an excellent and long lived specimen of a rhododendron tree.
- Present Use: Private Residence
- see Municipal Inventory 1997 for 'ALL' information
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 419 (Place #147)
Photograph - not available
SALIGARI’S PADDOCKS - also known as Mosgiel
- Location: Barton's Mill Road PICKERING BROOK
- Not included Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme:
- Construction: 1900 on Lots 458/349/710/487/556
- Present Use: State of WA Reservoir/Dam
- see Appendix B Municipal Inventory 1997 for 'ALL' information
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 560
Photograph - not available
Location: Pickering Brook Road/Ashendon Road
PICKERING BROOK - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Timber Mill
- Construction: 1933
- Present Use: Crown Land/National Park
see Municipal Inventory 1997 for 'ALL' information
The mill had been located adjacent to the Pickering Brook Railway Station but was relocated to the site in Carinyah, a Forest Department station five miles east of Karragullen in 1933.
Smailes Mill was owned by Sydney (Syd) Smailes whose two sons, Bernie and Ted, and his son-in-law Wally Stevens worked at the Mill. The Mill site included a range of built structures for the small community which lived on the site. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 407 (Place #141)
(Information from the Municipal Inventory July 1997)
- Location: Canning Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Timber Mill
Smaile’s and Weston’s Mill was located next to the Pickering Brook Railway Station - Present Use: Vacant Crown Land
see Municipal Inventory 1997 for more information
Weston's Mill was owned and operated by Frank Weston and Syd Smaile and appears to have sometimes been referred to as Smaile and Weston's Mill. The Mill closed in 1931 due to the Depression. Syd Smaile later operated another mill further out of the townsite also known as Smaile's Mill. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 102 (Place #20)
also known as Braeside
- Location: 70 Forrest Road PICKERING BROOK
- Not listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant
- Historic Theme: Demographic Settlement
Construction: 1919 on Part Canning Location 773 -
during Soldiers Settlement Scheme - Present Use: Demolished(ruin) former Residence
Photograph - not available
- Location: 230 Repatriation Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10527) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historical Site: Significant/The historic value is for its association with the soldier settlement scheme in the inter-war period.
- Historic Theme: Demographic Settlement
Construction: 1923 on Lot 4
Alex Fernie had taken up a virgin bush block of 23 acres in 1922 under the soldier settlement scheme. - Present Use: Ruin(former residence)
(see Municipal Inventory 1997 for more information)
Alex Fernie had taken up a virgin bush block of 23 acres in 1922 under the soldier settlement scheme. This former residence was built as a home for Alexander Edward Fernie and his family. - Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 457 (Place #161)
TEMBY - Family Home
- Location: 30 Foti Road PICKERING BROOK
- (10407) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Retain and Conserve (wherever possible)
- Historic Theme: Demographic Settlement - Rural Industry and Market Gardening
- Construction: 1927 on Lot 6
- Present Use: Private Residence of the Graham & Lyn(nee FOTI) O'MEAGHER, who state that the residence is largely unchanged from it's original design. The land surrounding the house continues to be used as a very productive orchard.
- see Municipal Inventory 1997 for more information about Temby
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 189 (Place #55)
- Location: Korong National Park off Masonmill Road CARMEL
- (3510) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Retain and Conserve (wherever possible)
- Historic Theme: Social & Civic Activities
- Construction: 1891 with repairs in 1912 & 1939
- Present Use: Water Storage Facility
- see Municipal Inventory 1997 for more information
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 351 (Place #119)
- Location: 20 Mason Mill Road CARMEL
- (10486) - Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997 and Officially Heritage Listed by the Heritage Council of Western Australia 2009
- Historic Site: Retain and Conserve (wherever possible)
- Historic Theme: Recognised as the last remaining timber headboard in the Perth Metropolitan Area and a rare surviving example of a custom of a custom bush burial.
- Construction: 1876
- Present Use: Monument Cemetery/Grave
Child Details: Francis WESTON Date of Death: 19th January 1876 - aged 2 days He was the son of Mary and Richard WESTON (Wheelwright and Carpenter)
Grave Description:
A small earth 'infant' grave. Timber headboard carved from local jarrah with a surrounding picket fence also constructed of local jarrah with a second timber fence with horizontal railings built. The grave is situated in the Darling Ranges
see Municipal Inventory 1997 for more information -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 354 (Place #120)
- Location: Westons Road PICKERING BROOK
- Not listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Transport/Communication - Road
- Construction: 1920
- Present Use: Transport/Communication - Road
- Location:185 Merrivale Road PICKERING BROOK
- Listed on the Municipal Inventory - July 1997
- Historic Site: Recognised
- Historic Theme: Settlement - Immigration
- Construction: 1947 - Builder(possible) Alec, Harry & Gary NIVEN
- Present Use: Ruins (original Use - Residence)
Workers Huts/Sheds -
2 huts are constructed from stone with the third being of brick construction - all having corrugated iron roofs.
They are all simple rectangular single room dwellings approx. 2x x 3m in size with a single door frame and one window each. All have fireplaces with external chimneys
The buildings are In rundown condition but the shape of the buildings and their associated functions are clearly discernible. -
Click - to follow 'link' to City of Kalamunda - Municipal Inventory - July 1997 - Page 365 (Place #124)
References: Article:
Heritage Council of Western Australia
Pickering Brook Heritage Group
City of Kalamunda – Inventory List May 2019
10 – Unknown
20 – Water Corporation
30 – Ted Smailes (Private Contributor)
40, 41 – Heritage Council of Western Australia
50, 51, 52, 53 – Kalamunda Library
60, 61 62 – Kalamunda & Districts Historical Society
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 – Pickering Brook Heritage Group
81, 84, 85 – G Freegard (as volunteer PBHG)
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135
City of Kalamunda Municipal Inventory – July 1997