Pickering Brook Road Names
Ashendon Road
Unknown. It runs from Mundaring Weir Road right through to and beyond Brookton Highway to Albany Highway
Barton's Mill Road
Main road to Barton’s Mill.
Bracken Road
Named as such because of all the “bracken bush” growing in that area
Canning Road
Original road from Kalamunda, through Pickering Brook and Canning Mills to Karragullen.
Carinyah Road
Formerly part of Illawara Road. Original road through to Carinyah Forestry Settlement.
Cunnold Close
Named after early resident Bert Cunnold. He worked for Jack Lees about 1930. Bought a property in Pickering Brook with his Brothers and Parents. He was “killed in action’ in World War 11.
Cunnold Street
Named after early resident Bert Cunnold. See above.
Davey Road
Mr. W. E. Davey was a Shire Counciller from 1961 to 1967. The Davey brothers settled in Pickering Brook in the 1920’s or early 1930’s. Developed an orchard property. Ted Davey was a member of Parliment.
East Road
Obviously because it runs in an easterly direction.
Elliott Road
Unknown. Unmade road
Forrest Road
Named after the first Premier John Forrest. Road is in part of the Soldiers Settlement Scheme in the area set up by the Premier.
Foti Road
Mr. C. Foti owned the land serviced by this road.
Francais Road
Named after two brothers named Francais had property in Repatriation Road about the 1930’s.
Hayes Road
Possibly named after Mark Hayes who worked in the area and was also M.C. at many of the dances held at the Carilla Hall.
Hewison Road
Named after Mr. Hewison who arrived from Scotland in about 1895. He was book-keeper at Barton’s Mill in the early1900’s. The family took over the General Store in Pickering Brook at the Junction of the Railway.
Holroyd Road
The Holroyd brothers were from Yorkshire. In 1925 bought land from Greg Weston and established more orchard. The road runs along the old formation of the railway and the brothers had a siding on the railway called “No.1 Siding”.They were World War 1 veterans. Road was un-named for many years before officially named.
Isaacs Street
Named after Mr. Harry Isaacs, a negro/aboriginal teamster/resident in Pickering Brook. He was very well respected and owned an orchard on this road. Was originally Faulkner Road.
Kings Mill Road
Unknown. Was to be called Smailles Road when Ted lived on the corner with Pickering Brook Road, but was changed after Ted Smailles sold his property and moved to Kalamunda
Marchetti Road
Members of the Marchetti Family came to Pickering Brook in 1925 and 1928. They setup orchards in the Pickering Brook area. Were involved in most orchard and community affairs in the area particually involved with the Carilla Hall. The road serviced the original property.
Merrivale Road
Do not know origin of name but three names were put in a hat and this one was drawn out.
McCorkill Road
Named after the McCorkill Family who were well known and active in community affairs in Pickering Brook. They were orchardists.
Neave Street
Named after early family
Patterson Road
Jack Patterson had a timber mill off Mundaring Weir Road near what is now known as Farrell Grove Picnic Area. It operated prior to World War 1. Run by Jack and his two sons, Harvey and Frank. The mill employed about 6 men with a Mr. Lightly as foreman. When inspected in November 1994 the well at the site, was in fair condition and full of good quality water.
Pickering Brook Road
Main through road of Pickering Brook, that was named after Captain Edward Picking (Pickering) (1781 – 1851) who arrived on the “Atwick” in 1829. The name was incorrectly spelt on a clerical error. On original 1885 map, it was shown as Picking but was accepted by general use as Pickering. Captain Pickering farmed in several places in Western Australia. Was Postmaster in Perth 1841. In 1844 he became Clerk of the Roads Trust and called tenders for Canning Bridge in 1846. In 1834 he was assigned 3000 acres, but this was lost due to non-payment of location fees.
Repatriation Road
The area was part of the World War 1 Soldiers Settlement Scheme. The Commonwealth financed the Piesse Brook Soldiers Settlement Scheme and was administered by the Repatriation Settlement Scheme Department and was located in the Pickering Brook/Carmel areas. This road was named on this basis.
Reserve Road
Named because it went through a Water Board Reserve which is now part of the Pickering Brook Golf Course.
Ryan Road
Named after early residents. Charlie and Daisy Ryan were orchardists on this road.
Sala Road
Named after Peter Sala Tenna, a pioneering migrant of Pickering Brook who lived on this road. Vin Sala Tenna was a member of the Shire of Kalamunda from 1977 to 1985. The Sala Tenna family still live on this road today.
South Road
Named because it ran south
Thorley Road
The Thorley family came to Pickering Brook about 1925 and built an orchard on Bracken Road. This is an unconstructed road reserve running through a number of orchard properties in the area.
Valento Road
Named after the Valento Family who lived on this road. Was part of Weston Road and named by Council in 1993.
Walnut Road
George Palmateer, the Watson Family (?) and some of the other orchardists in the area grew walnuts alongside this road.
Weston Road
Richard and Mary Weston settled in the district in 1875 and lived in (now) Carmel near Masons and Birds Timber Mill. His land was called “Springdale Orchard”. (1876). He also built the “Daisy Bell’ whim, used to haul logs from the bush to the mill. Their first son, born in Carmel, only lived for two days and was buried in the bush near the mill site and the grave is still there near Mason Mill Road. Richard died in 1922. His son, Francis John Weston, was a member of the Darling Range Road Board 1914 – 1929.
Woodbine Road
Confusion over the name position between the G.N.C. and Shire Council. Resolved by acceptance of it being in general use by the community for many years in its present location. English name for “Honeysuckle”.