MITCHELL Alexander (Alex)
Alexander Mitchell was born in Scotland in 1884 and was a Farrier and Blacksmith. He met English girl Kate who was born in 1889. They married on the 10th September 1913 in Claremont
Alexander and Kate Mitchell moved to Union Road, Carmel from Bassendean in 1922 with two sons and three daughters under the age of seven.
They applied to the Lands Department for land and were given two three acre lots in Union Road.
During the early years in Carmel, two more daughters were added to the family, making a total of seven children.
Their first home at Carmel was a single room measuring 28ft by 14ft and made of hessian walls with a galvanised iron roof. This one room served for all purposes and the divisions were made with furniture.
It soon became apparent that this accommodation wasn’t enough for the family of their number, so Alex decided to erect some further additions.
The local residents reasoned that a family of their size and character could be nothing but an asset to the district, so they loaned finance to Alex who was able to buy a second-hand cottage from the water catchment area. The local residents also had a working bee and helped the Mitchell family to move the cottage and re-erect it on their property. They also helped with some additions. The total cost was 50 pounds.
Norah Mitchell went to the Carmel School in around 1929
A plain and fancy dress ball held at Barton’s Mill on Saturday 9th February 1929. Fully 70 couples took the floor and in consequence the piano fund must have shown a considerable lift. Everybody enjoyed themselves including Mrs. Mitchell and daughter Miss N. Mitchell who attended both wearing pink organdie.

GROUP OF MITCHELL CHILDREN #2 Back Row: Unknown, NELL Middle Row: NORAH, Unknown, JOYCE Front Row: ALAN, FRANK

THE MITCHELLS, UNION ROAD, CARMEL c1926 (Ernie Mason's Father house in the background) #3 Back: ALAN, KATE, ALEX Front: JOYCE, Baby DOREEN, NORAH, FRANK, (Nell & Win cut out of pictire)


On Saturday 13th February 1937 Alan was involved in a terrible accident which killed two young men from the district. As reported in the “Western Mail”
Two young men were killed and three others were injured when a utility truck skidded on the Guildford Road, Belmont on Saturday Night and, after crashing through a fence fell down a slight embankment and overturned, striking a tree and stump as it did so. The men who were fatally injured were pinned for several minutes underneath the vehicle despite efforts to release them. When the ambulance arrived one man was dead and the other died a few hours after his admission to the Perth Hospital.
The victims were:
AUSTIN, William (21), of Kalamunda.
BOURNE, Walter (20), of Bickley.
MITCHELL, Alan (21), of Carmel. – fractured right wrist, severe sprain of left ankle, concussion and shock. Admitted to Perth Hospital.
LITTLELY, Norman (19), of Carmel. – multiple abrasions, probable fractured ribs. Detained at Perth Hospital on Saturday night and then allowed to go home.
MITCHELL, Roy (17), of Bickley. – Slight abrasions to hand. Not detained at hospital.
The fatality occurred shortly after 8 o’clock near the six mile peg on the Guildford Road. The truck, driven by Roy Mitchell, was carrying a passenger to the Perth Railway Station to catch the Kalgoorlie Express and the other four young men intended to go to a dance at Cottesloe. According to statements made to Constable Chambers, of the Guildford Police, and to Constables Conole and Burge, of the Police Traffic Branch, the truck, after having overtaken a vehicle, skidded for about 45 yards, swerved across to the east side of the road and, after smashing about 15 yards of fencing, dropped down a three foot embankment and came to rest on its side, facing the way it had been coming. The driving seat was lying against the stump of a tree. Several large branches had been torn from another tree which had been struck as the vehicle turned over.
Passing motorists and residents of the district were soon endeavouring to rescue the injured men. The driver had been thrown clear, as also were Alan Mitchell and Littlely, who were seated on the rear of the truck. Bourne and Austin, who were seated next to the driver, were pinned beneath the truck and, it is though, struck the tree stump with their heads where the vehicle overturned.
The five injured men were taken to the Perth Hospital by the St. John Ambulance. There it was found that Austin who had received fearful head injuries, was dead and that Bourne was in a critical condition. He too, had received bad head injuries and his name was placed on the danger list. He died at 11 o’clock. Alan Mitchell, who is no relation to the driver of the truck, was detained for treatment. After spending the night in the observation ward, Littlely was allowed to go home on Sunday.
The truck was severely damaged, the rear part of the body being smashed to matchwood. The steering column and several parts of the engine were broken. The vehicle was removed on Sunday to the yard of the Central Police Station
On July 1st 1941 Mrs. A. E. Martin took over the Post Office. At this time mail was conveyed between the office and the Railway Station at 7.15 p.m. five days a week, a round trip of approximately two miles. Special arrangement had to be made with regard to petrol and repairs, because of shortages caused by the war. The hours of attendance for the exchange at Carmel in 1942 were Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m., Saturday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. In 1942 Carmel Post Office was able to pay military allotments and in 1943 child endowment facilities were available. On March 25th, 1946 Mrs. F. E. Mitchell succeeded Mrs. Martin – the two families were related, Mr. Alan Mitchell and Mrs. Martin were brother and sister and both grew up in Carmel. In 1946 the hours for the exchange were Monday to Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.; Friday 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.; and Saturday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. The annual rate of payment was 189 pounds 10 shillings ($379.00). In 1947 Carmel was able to make payments for Invalid, Old Age and Widow’s Pensions, and in 1948 approval was given for payment of War Pensions. Mrs. F. Mitchell sold the property in 1953 to Mr. K. Alves. Mr. Alves was appointed Postmaster in April 1953. The property consisted of an orchard, some cleared paddocks, and many acres of bush.
In May 1947 their youngest daughter, Doreen announced her engagement to Ken Hopkins, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Hopkins of 114 Hare Street, Kalgoorlie
Alex was a well respected blacksmith known throughout the district for his fine workmanship. He gave many demonstrations to the school children of the Carmel School.
Every endeavour has been made to accurately record the details however if you would like to provide additional images and/or newer information we are pleased to update the details on this site. Please click here to email us at We appreciate your involvement in recording the history of our area.
Research by : G. Freegard
Reference: Article: Pickering Brook Heritage Group
Vic Jones
Jenny Lewis
Western Mail
Images: 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Vic Jones
8, 10 Kalamunda & districts Historical Group
9 Pickering Brook Heritage Group