
Pickering Brook Timeline History
Year Details
The sailing ship “Atwich” arrived at the Swan River Colony on 19th October. Captain Edward Picking was a passenger on board. It appears that he made several exploratory journeys along the Helena River. In the handbook of Western Australia there is a map dated 1895, which shows the Helena River and a tributary, “Picking Ck” flowing north into it. All other maps and plans show the tributary as “Pickering Brook” and one can only conclude that it has over the years been corrupted into “Pickering”.
Ben Mason granted lease on 259 hectare at the head of Bickley Brook for timber cutting. Built 30 slab huts and “road” to Canning Landing (Woodloes). The road is now known as Hardinge Road.
Mason won contract to supply sleepers to the Great Indian Peninsular Railway. He failed to fulfil the contract due to transport difficulties
Proposed rail line surveyed by James Cowle, from the Canning River to the Darling Ranges, but it was never built
In December, Mason joined Francis Bird to form the Mason & Bird Company. It was this partnership that built the colony’s second railway, a wooden tramway from the Darling Scarp to the Canning River. First school was opened in the area, with Mrs. C. Bayliss as teacher
Mason’s timber concession had expanded to 40,000 hectares, subject to the construction of a tramway from the Darling Range to the Canning Landing on the Canning River
Official opening of the tramway by Governor Weld
Bird pulled out of the timber company.
Whim invented for timber hauling at Canning Mills
Guildford-Perth-Fremantle Railway line opened. Built by Edward Keane
Mason’s company went bankrupt. Special Timber Licence 12/1, over the Mason & Bird areas, granted to Joseph Shaw later transferred to Edward Keane
In October regulation was gazetted requiring all timber cutters to be registered.
John and Emma Wallis who arrived at Mason’s Mill in 1880. John started work with Mason & Bird as a carpenter, and in 1883 took up 100 acres of land in the locality now known as Walliston. Wallis established an orchard called “Orangedale” and was one of the first strawberry growers in the hills. Richard and Mary Weston, the wheelwright and carpenter who had worked at Mason’s Mill, pioneered his “Springdale” property at Pickering Brook near the present Golf Course. Their son, Francis, aged 3 days, died in 1876 and is buried at Mason’s Mill. Mason’s Mill School still operating with only 9 pupils left.
Edward Keane was granted the timber license formerly owned by Mason. He and his brother-in-law formed Lionel White & Co. Built the sawmill at Canning location 164, known as Canning Mills. Within two years, 400 people lived there, complete with an Inn, resident Doctor and School. Neil McNeil began building Victoria Reservoir on Munday Brook, which opened 1891.
Edward Keane began surveying and building what was to become the Zig Zag Railway, before signing the contract with government on 26th February 1891.
Zig Zag Railway took nine months to complete and was finished in July. October 1st School opened at Canning Mills with 40 children attending. Teacher was Mrs. E. Grundy. Continued until 1930. Illawarra was selected by the builder of the Zig Zag railway, Edward Keane, who later sold it to Canning Mills Manager Lionel White and two partners. Opening of Victoria Dam with the wife of the Mayor, Mrs. Edward Keane turning the tap to release water to flow to the reservoir in Kings Park.
Three smaller mills had been established further into the forest – the Yankee Mill, the No. 3 Mill and the No. 1 Sleeper Mill which produced 900 railway sleepers per day. Ben Mason died on 13th September in Cannington aged 66. Edward Owen took up land on Canning Road, Carmel including half of location 75 on which Mason’s Mill was built.
New Post Office in course of construction at Canning Mills. Over 60 children now enrolled at Canning Mills School.
Mr. Butler appointed as teacher at Canning Mills School
Thomas Price invited to manage Illawarra and become a partner in the enterprise.
The Bettenay family acquired the property “Irymple” and began orchard planting about 1904
The Canning Jarrah Timber Company was taken over by Miller’s Karri and Jarrah Company Townsite of Calla Munda proclaimed. The name was from Bishop Salvado’s Aboriginal vocabulary. The surveyor general changed the “C” to “K”.
Archibald Sanderson lobbied the Government to take over the railway Kalamunda’s first Street Lamp installed in 7th August on a pole near the hotel. It was a Blanchard Kerosene Lamp.
The government took over the railway to Pickering Brook. Pickering Brook Railway Station opened 1st July with J. N. Burgess as Officer-in-Charge Pickering Brook Store built by the Humphreys’ Family. Kalamunda Railway Station opened 1st July with F. C. Hagan as Officer-in-Charge. Mundaring Weir opened. Haynes Road and Railway Road cleared.
Florence Wallis was the first pupil on the roll at the Carmel School.
Edward Keane died Kalamunda Road Board first tools purchased on 8th November – a Kangaroo Jack, Crosscut saw and a Hand saw.
Government eased the grade of the Zig Zag by adding a fourth zig at the bottom. September 5th t he Kalamunda Roads Board Office in Canning Road – then a tin shed, to be lined with Stamped Metal. Cost 30 pounds ($60).
W. Fox appointed Officer-in-Charge in November of Pickering Brook Railway Station. Became Stationmaster in January 1910 and stayed in that position till October 1921. Large sections of the Canning Road Board district area transferred to Belmont and Darling Range Road Boards including Kalamunda and Pickering Brook
The triangle for turning locomotives at Pickering Brook, was laid. Huge fire at Canning Mills destroys the Forrest Inn, General Store, Butcher’s Shop and the Post Office on January 1st. John Alexander Barton, the owner of Barton’s Mill, died on July 13th at Barton’s Mill. William Thomas took over the operations at the saw mill June 17th a special Kalamunda Road Board meeting to call tenders for the removal of night soil. The contractor to bury it down below the scarp. Kalamunda’s first telephone installed at the Board Office. Curry the storekeeper on the corner ofh=Haynes Street and Railway Road and Hummerston the publican also installed telephones that year.
1910 – 1911
The government took over the remaining line to Canning Mills and it was extended to Karragullen in 1912. Canning Mills transfers its operations to Barton’s Mill. Barton’s Mill State School opened. The Kalamunda Road Board had printed cheque books for the first time.
Karragullen named. Name suggested by Daisy Bates and is Aboriginal for “Red Gully” The first train into Karragullen steamed through a ribbon held by Mabel Parker (Mrs. Arthur Bettenay) and Doris Bettenay Department of Land and Surveys inaugurated a tree clearing service to help open up the area. On March 6th the Kalamunda Road Board imposed a speed limit for motor vechicles of 15 m.p.h. (24 k.p.h.)
A state school was opened at Illawarra with 12 pupils. Miss Maggie Ferguson was the school mistress..
Pickering Brook served as a junction for the main railway line which continued to Canning Mills and Karragullen. This station building was the second largest on the Zig Zag line.
Mrs. H. Hewison purchased Pickering brook Post Office and Store from the Lindley Family. The name Bickley was adopted in lieu of Heidelberg.
Opening of the Carilla School. Miss. Ellen Seymour appointed first Headmistress. The short-lived Associated Fruitgrowers Ltd (the A.F.L. trade mark) tried to establish a fruit canning factory. March 1st the First Motor Car Licence was issued. Cost 2 pounds ($4). Archibald Sanderson had the first car in Kalamunda, but it was licenced in Perth. Wages of employees of the Kalamunda Road Board, increased from 9 shillings (90c) to 10 shillings ($1.00) a day due to the increased cost of living.
June 5th town site of Carmel approved. Soldier Settlement Scheme implemented along Piesse Brook, from Pickering Brook to where it is crossed by Mundaring Weir Road. Later many of the ex-soldiers walked off and quite a lot of the land was bought by Italians. First cool store in W.A. built at Illawarra.
It was proposed to buy a Motor Cycle for the foreman of the Road board. He was given a B.S.A. Motor Cycle with a wicker basket-ware sidecar to use on his job. A Government tree puller was clearing land in Pickering Brook September 3rd there was much talk about electricity for Kalamunda, and the Road Board ascertained that lighting the town would cost70 pounds ($140). No action was taken.
John R. Padgett, a stonemason took up 18 acres (7 hectares) at Carilla. On February 4th the Water Supply department agreed the gazettal of a piece of land to be set aside for recreational reserve. This became The Pickering Brook Golf Club.
School Room transported from Illawarra to Karragullen and erected near the present Rock Inn. Prior to this children had to attend Canning Mills. Repatriation and Forest Roads were named in November
A town site was formed 2 miles east on 22nd January and it was known as Beamulla, an Aboriginal word meaning “Black Cockatoo”. At a meeting of the Pickering Brook Progress Association a request was made to the Under Secretary of Land requesting a change of name. Alex Fernie settled on nearly 25 acres (10 hectares) on Repatriation Road at Pickering Brook.
Reply from Under Secretary dated 26th December, presenting three names for consideration.
George and Ernie Holroyd who took up 21 acres in Pickering Brook had one of the first Bulldozers in the area. This property was purchased from Greg Weston. Weston’s Mill at Pickering Brook, across the road from the original Shop and Post Office, closed. Barton’s Mill was burnt out and rebuilt by Millars.
An open-air dance floor was built and later became the Carilla Hall.
1926 – 1927
The name Carilla on recommendation of the Surveyor General was on the 17th February replacing Beamulla. Carilla is the Aboriginal name for “running water”. Weston’s Mill moved from Weston’s Road to Pickering Brook near Railway Station and opposite the shop.
Barton’s Mill had 30 houses for families and 20 cabins for single men. Altogether a community of around 200 people. Carinyah was a Forest Department Settlement with six houses.
Canning Mills School closed due to diminishing numbers New School at Carilla, built a few metres closer to Millar’s Railway Line and the road. Mr. Henry Harris teacher.
Pickering Brook Railway Station became unattended on the 1st July. R. W. Leeds was the last Stationmaster.
On June 4th a little Case Mill was started on Canning Road, Lesmurdie by Sydney Ashmore.
Millars Karri and Jarrah Co. Ltd., bought the first American built tractors into the area to pull the logs and all the horses were scrapped Mount Dale log landing was opened.
Barton’s Mill closed down.
Residents of Carilla were in trouble paying off the Carilla Hall so they passed the hat around for donations. Tractors had completely replaced the whim.
Millers railway line from Barton’s Mill to Pickering Brook was finally lifted and removed D. W. Scherini took over the Case Mill
Pirtro Tognella and Antonio Brescacin became the new owners of the Case Mill.
Barton’s Mill Prison was established in April.
Pickering Brook Post Office and Store sold by Mrs. H. Hewison to her daughter, Alice Beard (nee Hewison) and her Son-in -law Bert Beard.
A twin engine United States Navy R4D-5 (DC-3) “Blue Goose” transport plane crashed in thick fog near Gooseberry Hill on April 19th all 10 U.S. servicemen and 3 U.S. Red Cross women on board were killed. The plane crashed between Gooseberry Hill Road and Lansdown Road, 4.5 miles (7.2 km) from the end of the take-off runway, having traveled in an almost straight course to the point of impact. This resulted in Red Light Beacons being erected on vantage points as warnings
The line to Barton’s Mill was used a little during the war but in 1946 it was pulled up.
Carilla Bus Service commenced by Max Waters using a Bedford Bus. First passenger was George Whittle.
First cricket match that started the Pickering Brook Sports Club, organised by Charlie Spriggs.
First cricket match that started the Pickering Brook Sports Club, organised by Charlie Spriggs.
Pre-fabricated schoolroom added at Pickering Brook because attendance numbers had increased.
The location of Carilla was cancelled and Pickering Brook formally encompassed the whole area. Removal of the Upper Darling Range Railway completed.
Kalamunda Water Scheme officially opened in November.
The Pickering Brook Catholic Church opened by His Grace Archbishop Prendiville. Convent for Ursaline Nuns which included a small school was completed at Pickering Brook.
Karragullen Catholic Church opened.
Doug Waters takes over Carilla Bus Service from brother Max in June.
Cardboard cartons were introduced to the fruit trade. Electricity came to Karragullen via Canning Road.
Case Mill closed down and re-opened in Pickering Brook. Last of the Workers Cottages for the closed Weston’s Mill, were removed.
Monument was erected and unveiled at the “Landing” in May to honour Mason and other Pioneers.
Work started on the Pickering Brook Sports Club after obtaining a loan from the Kalamunda Shire Council
Catholic School at Pickering Brook ran by the Nuns closed and 64 children transferred to public school New additional schoolrooms opened at Pickering Brook. Metropolitan Transport Trust finally assumes full control of all bus services in the district.
The town site of Pickering Brook was gazetted on 12th January.
Grant of $100,000 spent on building a huge stone retaining wall around the oval at the Pickering Brook Sports Club.
Barton’s Mill Prison closed on 30th October. Leaving a caretaker staff of three.
The old Case Mill building given a major face lift by the Kalamunda Shire Council and transformed into the Kalamunda Youth and Recreation Centre, opened October 29th.
Barton’s Mill Prison re-opens in November in order to cope with the increasing prison population.
Half-sized Olympic Pool completed at the Pickering Brook Sports Club.
Barton’s Mill Prison has existing buildings upgraded
Barton’s Mill Prison closes in 7th July. Plaque erected under “The Old Gum Tree” to commemorate the starting of the Pickering Brook Sports Club.
A transportable schoolroom added at Pickering Brook School to cater for increased pupil numbers.
Informal meeting of “Old Identities” was held on 13th February, to discus the formation of a Heritage Group within the district of Pickering Brook. It was the brainchild of David Godbold, who had a dream to capture and record the history of the district. The first official meeting of the formed Pickering Brook Heritage Group was held at the Pickering Brook Primary School on 30th March
“Back To Pickering Brook Day” celebration held on the 80th Anniversary of the Pickering Brook Primary School.
Barton’s Mill Prison Chapel moved to the Pickering Brook Heritage Park site on 8th November.
Barton’s Mill Prison Cell Block moved to the Pickering Brook Heritage Park site in April.
Website for the Pickering Brook Heritage Group created and put on line 26th October
Canning Mills Timeline History
Year Details
Edward Keane and his brother-in-law formed Lionel White & Co. and built a sawmill at Canning Location 164.
Canning Timber Station established. Edward Keane began surveying and building what was to become the Zig Zag Railway.
Illawarra was selected by the builder of the Zig Zag Railway, Edward Keane. February Canning Mills Manager Lionel White and two partners acquired the lease on the Illawarra property. July 25th Railway Line from Midland Junction to Canning Timber Station completed and two trucks, loaded with timber, dispatched. 70 hands employed and 70,000 sleepers and other timber cut ready for despatch. School and Post Office needed. October 1st First School opened at Canning Mills with 40 children attending, The teacher was Mrs. E. Grundy. November 25th Survey of line up Munday Brook commenced.
The first two orchards in the Canning Mills area were planted by Josep Steffan, a German, and by Smith and White Bros. at Illawarra. March 17th The line had recently been extended 5 miles into the forest and it was reported that the number of hands exceeds 150 and that the total population was “not far short of 400”. December 2nd Cricket Match, at Cannington, between Canning Timber Station X1 and Lower Canning X1. December 9th Two Mills at Canning Timber Station and one out-lying. 150 hands employed and total population about 400. Regular bi-weekly passenger train service operating.
New Post Office in course of construction. Over 60 children on school roll.
One mill at Canning Timber Station, two out-lying; four locos operating. Later there were six. The Stables at Illawarra were in use. Mr. Butler appointed as teacher at Canning Mills. June 21st 150 hands employed and total population of over 400. Canning Mills Methodist Church officially opened by Rev. G. E. Rowe on 16th August 1896
Three mills operating, one at Canning Timber Station, another at Newton’s Number 2 (Canning Location 557), and the third at Number 4. Stables at Canning Location 443 in use. March 11th Population of Canning Timber Station 232, including 101 children. Population beyond the Station not stated.
January 14th Three extensive mills operating. Baker John McDonald now in business at Canning Mills. Butcher Mr. Armstrong now in business at Canning Mills. Forrest Inn now in business. Operated by Stephen Gibbs.
Thomas Price invited to manage Illawarra and become a partner in the enterprise. Robert Hewett, Storekeeper at Canning Mills. Anglican Church opened Saturday 8th July by Rev. C.E.C. Lefroy. September 1st All Canning Jarrah Timber Company Mills, including Wellington, to be closed as contracts were forfilled, which would take about a month.
The Bettenay Family acquired the property “Irymple” and began orchard planting about 1904. Mrs. McLarty was Post Mistress. George Grieve & John McDonald, bakers at Canning Mills. John McDonald continued as Baker until 1912. H. W. Powell, storekeeper at Canning Mills. Fisher Woods starts Saddlery business at Canning Mills. Mr. Armstrong operating Forrest Inn. September 22nd Mill now operating. It had been closed for some time but how long is not known.
Spur line to Canning location 443 removed and stables abandoned prior to the end of 1901. The Canning Jarrah Timber Company was taken over by Millar’s Karri and Jarrah Company. Samuel Stirrup, storekeeper at Canning Mills.
Archibald Sanderson lobbied the Government to take over the Railway Line. March 15th Parlimentary party taken over the railway line as far as Illawarra. May Canning and Jarrahdale and some other mills closed. October Canning operating, but with many less hands as a year or two previously. Samuel Blowsidge operating Forrest Inn.
March 28th 150 hands employed. July 1st Line as far as Pickering Brook taken over by Western Australian Government Railways.
July 11th Line through Illawarra had been taken up. The spur lines to Newton’s Number 1 and Newton’s Number 2 (Canning Location 557) had been taken up earlier. Mill at Canning Timber Station still working, but closed soon afterwards. August 25th Canning Timber Station mill expected to cut out by end of year, when it would be transferred to another concession.
February Mill at Canning Timber Station now closed and dismantled, but loco shop still operating. Perhaps not more than a dozen houses still occupied. March 13th Bulk of population had been removed. April 22nd The mill at Canning gave the impression of having been used within the last month or two. Jinkers lie unused. November The Mill at Canning Timber Station had apparently been in disuse for a considerable length of time but a number of families were still resident there, Edward Keane died.
H. Carter operating Forrest Inn.
Frank Crooke appointed as teacher at Canning Mills.
January 1st Forrest Inn, General Store, Butchers Shop and Post Office destroyed by fire.
J. McAllister, Saddler at Canning Mills. F. C. Hanna operating Forrest Inn. Known Orchards operating were; F. C. Atherton, Bettenay, Messrs Buckinghan, James Butcher, Messrs Cockram & Gordon, Collins, Davis, Fergusion, Hanbury, Hare, Jobson, Laverack, J.L.Lockyer, Logan Bros., Lund, Mayne, McKenzies, Molyneaux, Pearce Bros., Price (Illawarra), Salter, Steffin, H. L. Struch, Willows.
November 17th Western Australian Government Railways take over the line from Pickering Brook Junction to Canning Mills. Canning Mills transfers its operations to Barton’s Mill. Edward Walsh appointed as teacher at Canning Mills.
February Firewood Cutting an industry at Canning Mills.
August 5th Railway Line extended to Karragullen but firewood was still being loaded at Canning Mills. The first train into Karragullen steamed through a ribbon held by Mabel Parker (Mrs. Arthur Bettenay) and Doris Bettenay.
Scrap lying around the old mill site. Many houses still occupied by woodcutters. A State School was opened at Illawarra with 12 pupils. Miss Maggie Ferguson was the school mistress.
First Cold Store in Western Australia built at Illawara. Miss O’Flaherty appointed Teacher at Canning Mills.
Cold Room at Illawarra improved and enlarged.
Miss I. Armstrong appointed Teacher at Canning Mills.
The Manager’s Residence (now occupied by Sydney Smailes), Forrest Inn, and six or seven mill houses remaining, together with station. Mr. A. J. Chate appointed Teacher at Canning Mills. The Methodist Church building was being rented to the Education Department for a school. Twentytwo children, of whom 7 or 8 were locals, 2 or 3 came from Karragullen, attended the school. William & Bertha Liebow take over the Forrest Inn and continued to operate it until 1924. Sports Club formed with Harold Stinton, President and Edgar Prosser Secretary. Parents & Citizens Association formed. J. Prosser President. Ted Saunders operating Store at Karragullen.
School Room transported from Illawarra to Karragullen and erected near the present “Rock Inn”. Prior to this children had to attend Canning Mills. July The first Karragullen Hall opened by the Premier of Western Australia, Sir James Mitchell.
The first Athletic Meeting was held late in the year.
A number of properties at Karragullen were resumed by the Metropolitan Water Board, in connection with the proposed Canning Dam.
Installation of manually operated telephones on a few properties in the district.
Canning Mills School closed due to diminishing numbers. Millar’s Timber Company released land they had taken over with the milling enterprise from Canning Timber Company. This was situated in the “Red Gully” valley of Karragullen, adjacent to the original site of the Canning Mills and stretching in a southerly direction.
New School built on South-west corner of Canning Road and Canning Mills Road. Bert Forrest was Headmaster.
Last Train runs on the railway line to Karragullen.
The Upper Darling Range Railway was pulled up and removed.