My Life History at Canning Mills

Bagni di Lucca Tuscant ITALY
Dante & Palmari DI MARCO (Parents of Silvio)

Dante DI MARCO’s ‘Prisoner of War’
records during WWII

Silio as a young boy at Karragullen (mid 1930's)
1930 Chev Truck
Dante & work horse - Karragullen (mid 1930's)
1940's - Silio as a Soccer Player

5th June 1955
St Brigid’s Church WEST PERTH
Celestina GIOGI & Silio DI MARCO

Golden Wedding - Silio & Celestina DI MARCO
1955 - Opening Day of the Catholic Church - KARRAGULLEN
Karragullen Field Day
Packing Shed - Karragullen Orchard

ARBOR DAY – 1938
Pine Tree – planted by Silio DI MARCO
aged 12 years

2022 – Canning Mills/Memorial Plaque
Erected by Di Marco family:
John, Luisa & Danny

ARBOR DAY 1938 Pine Tree
Photograph taken: 2023


Article:            by Silio DI MARCPO, 2010
Images:          Silio DI MARCO, 2010